Saturday, February 2, 2008

Beloved Prophet

President Gordon B. Hinckley will be memorialized and buried today. He has truly been a blessing in my life. He has been a loving leader of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for decades and as President for over 12 years. His testimony of Jesus, his humility, his brilliance, his love for all mankind, his work ethic, his can-do, optimistic attitude, his ability to relate to young and old, his compassion, example and humor have endeared him to my heart. I will miss him.
Throughout my life, I have been blessed by my membership in the Church. I developed a love for my Saviour in Primary as I was taught of him and where I learned songs that I could sing and hear that would help me feel close to Him. Loving teachers guided me along to give me a good foundation throught MIA, Seminary, and Institute at the U of U. Each Ward in which I have lived has been filled with loving members and leaders who befriended my family and me, giving a sense of a home away from home wherever we were. I have eternal friendships because of this. I have developed teaching and leadership skills in this safe and loving environment that I could have learned nowhere else. I, too, have a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and in the truths of the Gospel as found in the scriptures.
I am looking forward to continued inspiration from the leaders of the Church. I know that each new President builds on the experience, foundation, and example of past Presidents as well as his own inspiration from on High. It's an exciting time of growth , but Church members continue to respect our past and those who sacrificed so much to bring the Church and individuals where we are today. No one is perfect, but by following the precepts and truths set forth for there is hope and excitement for the future, even in this precarious world. I have a long way to go to reach my potential , I'm happy for the blueprint and feel very blessed indeed!

1 comment:

Dalton Family said...

oh Yay! You got your chart to work! Good job on the 30pages! I think you'll beat me!!!